I traded in my ’63 reissue Danelectro guitar for a ’91 Squier Telecaster at Musician’s Discount in Mesa. The Danelectro reissue stuff sounds all right. I mean the tone is decent, but it’s just made out of such cheapjack material,(made in china of course.) Anyhow I took the Telecaster to MusicBrokers and the guy there […]
By Brandon Adamson
72 Hours
By Brandon Adamson
I had a dream that I saw a movie, and it was one of those movies where at the end….it’s so moving that you’re just like “Oh my god I just saw such and such movie and it was soooo good,” only I had just said that about some other movie so I was trying […]
I wonder about these things.
By Brandon Adamson
Do you think Madeline would have still liked Kevin Arnold if he hadn’t been so hung up on Winnie Cooper? I think if he had been more responsive to Madeline’s advances she probably would have lost interest right away. Still she was hot enough that it might have still been worth it.
“We’re not in wonderland anymore, Alice.”- Charles Manson
By Brandon Adamson
So friday night was spent mostly outside philthy phil’s smoking cigs with Mikey Jackson and chatting about nonsense…which is probably the best kind of chatter, in all seriousness. I ended up “dancing” with some girl for a few minutes, and as we were dancing she yelled “you’re cute!” and all I could think to say […]
Out of his Shell
By Brandon Adamson
Out of His Shell by Brandon Adamson Just recently, I’ve come to the realization that I must have missed out entirely on the whole “being a man” thing. you know, just skipped right over it. I think I went straight from boy to “shell of a man.” From my 2008 book, SideQuests
I’ve got dreams to remember
By Brandon Adamson
So here I am sitting around in my underwear playing my guitar and listening to the Hollies’ greatest hits on my Fisher Price record player. Right now the song “I’m alive” is playing…which I feel like is a lie for these times. This along with going to the mall have come to be the high […]
smiling faces all around, rushin’ through the busy town
By Brandon Adamson
So yesterday I spent half the day driving around running errands, getting things done that I had put off for quite a while. For some reason my car’s air conditioning decided to stop working right in the middle of August in fucking Phoenix, and I was wearing a jean jacket so it was hot as […]
Joltin Joe has left and gone away
By Brandon Adamson
Well you can just call me Joe Dimaggio for a while, as I decided to take a break from going out for a while. I am at one of those odd points where I am mostly without a partner in crime. Also, you get so little out of going out really. Very rarely do you […]
mister blue
By Brandon Adamson
This weekend blows. Today it must redeem itself. My “date” for the prom sort of flaked out on me friday, so now I’m hanging out with martha dumptruck. Ended up at Philthy Phils dancing with an asian(hispasian?) chick who was going buck wild. I was in sort of a shitty mood so I smoked a […]
Las Vegas, loner style
By Brandon Adamson
I stayed at The Orleans, a New Orleans themed hotel, which contained Mardi Gras decor, a French Market Buffet, voodoo, and giant floating heads. This one reminded me of the dude from The Land of FarAway Anyone for some “bread that cures all hunger?” The Excalibur, which resembles a ginormous version of “Castles and Coasters” […]