The familiar taste of Corn Flakes
By Brandon Adamson

Last night I met up with Bill and Marcus at Caseys. I had plans to hang out with a girl, but she canceled at the last minute because she said she had to help her mom prepare everything for thanksgiving….so of course you had to know that I would run into her at the bar. […]

Shady Tree and His Acorns
By Brandon Adamson

Thursday night JS played a show with Super Stereo at School of Rock on Mill…you know that place that used to be Club 411 back in the day. It’s still wack after all these years, but what would you expect it’s mill ave. Why anyone would name a bar after a kids comedy movie in […]

Blank to the Future
By Brandon Adamson

“Wish in one hand and shit in the other and see which one fills up first” was a saying that my late grandfather frequently used, mainly to deflate the unrealistic, cartoon-like, magical balloons that would float out of the dreamy heads of his young children. Such a phrase comes to mind (or goes hand in […]

fall and all
By Brandon Adamson

Ahhh. My internet connection has been down for a couple days, so frustrating. Last Saturday Jonathan and I went to the mall for Scottsdale Fashion Week. I made him watch the Katy Spade fashion show….which I guess was supposed to be about handbags, but I really just noticed the dresses and shoes girls were wearing(uhh […]

pay me now or pay me escalator
By Brandon Adamson

I met a girl on the escalator at Fashion Square today in Nordstrom’s. It was completely by chance. She was walking in front of me toward the escalator, but then she paused and walked in another direction because she got confused about which one was up or down. By the time she figured out that […]

Tin Drum
By Brandon Adamson

Whenever I hear a girl say “I want a man, not a boy,” I can immediately disqualify myself and know she’s not the one for me. I’m out. This doesn’t pertain to any specific situation…but occasionally in my discussions with a girl over her romantic life I make a mental note of our own potential […]

night halloween
By Brandon Adamson

So glad halloween is over. I hate halloween, everyone in their dumb costumes. But what about the opportunities you say? What opportunities? The opportunity to have hyper extroverted people all “in character” and annoying the crap out of me even more than usual. Anyway, I can go buck wild whenever I want, preferably after a […]

Out in the wild
By Brandon Adamson

“How wild is buck wild? Is that like wilder than normal wild?” “There are so many variations of wild it’s like comparing apples and oranges” “Yeah there’s hog wild…” “I think hog wild is more like a sexual thing… like me and that girl were going hog wild.” “Buck wild is more like a rodeo […]