So I bought a “new” record player from East Side Records the other day, and got one record, “The Best of Bread” which they said I could have for free. I went home, plugged it in and listened to the first song “Make it With You” which I listened to with a girl recently on […]
Diary of
By Brandon Adamson
Driving like a maniac. Support those who support it.
By Brandon Adamson
This License permits you to drive on the sidewalks to avoid traffic — To drive through stop signs as long as you blow your horn — To drive with bad tires as long as you know your brakes are bad — To drive over a draw-bridge when the bridge is up. Signed by U. R. […]
very important
By Brandon Adamson
Aaaaah! So Las Vegas was pretty uneventful, but kinda rad. I’ll post some pictures and give a proper update later today.
Where have all the graveyards gone? Gone to Flowers every one…
By Brandon Adamson
Flying to Las Vegas in the morning. Will be back on thursday. Staying at “The Orleans,” a New Orleans themed hotel(hopefully pre-katrina and it’s not all just looters and mosquitoes running amok) Something tells me this isn’t going to be like “Live and Let Die.” If I die in a horrible plane crash. I hope […]
villain headquarters
By Brandon Adamson
This is my place. more pictures to come…
beneath the extended para-para-parasol!
By Brandon Adamson
So I’m almost all moved in to my new place. Though all I have is a bed, a television, and that orange end table that Brandie gave me, nearly 6 years ago. I do love that table so, but have never been able to find matching ones. It’s weird how over the years, every person […]
Don’t cut out of here till we get on Cloud 9.
By Brandon Adamson If you really want to annoy your romantic interest, just start talking like Edd “Kookie” Byrnes when you’re hanging out with her. I used to listen to this album around Christmas time last year, and after a while I started actually talking like this dude in real life on a day to day basis, […]
The Friends Route
By Brandon Adamson
List of things to do with imaginary friend for the remainder of the summer: swing on swings in parks go to the botanical garden a day at the zoo hang out in the aftermath of a monsoon storm get an inflatable boat and row out to the middle of a corporate pond trip to flagstaff […]
Beyond the Sea
By Brandon Adamson
Sea Creatures by Brandon Adamson Remember where the seeds used to be trees used to be she used to be right over there once i loved a sea creature now I just see creatures see creatures everywhere Talked to my ex girlfriend for a while on the phone yesterday. No we’re not getting back together […]
Looking Beyond Redemption
By Brandon Adamson
Beyond Redemption by Brandon Adamson “The Longest Road is the Road to Redemption”, read the caption of a car advertisement that caught my eye as I was flipping through the pages of an airline magazine while flying high at one of the low points in my life. It really runs true. Often times the road […]