Month: March 2010

SXSW Redux

Just a quick retrospective on South By Southwest 2010: Even with a badge, I found it was hard to get into some of the bigger shows if you didn’t get there early enough. I would say that this year there were a few big name bands, and a zillion unsigned bands/bands on small indie labels. SXSW Redux

Gold Man Sakas

So I was fortunate enough to get my hands on an advanced copy of Jonathan Sakas‘(pronounced like “say kuss”) debut album “Albatross.”He had previously released an EP “Death of the Iceman.” Jonathan has been around in the Phoenix music scene for years, and I recall seeing one of his bands play at Plaid in late Gold Man Sakas

The Lost Boy in Austin

So on Saturday I saw The Like (who were great) and Minus the Bear then Casio Kids and a few other bands. Nothing too eventful…spent quite a bit of time at the Beauty Bar late in the evening, mostly just standing around looking creepy since I didn’t know anyone…although I did run into Elisa and The Lost Boy in Austin

in like flynn

So I got to see Neon Indian last night, which was great. It was crowded though and smokey so I left after a few songs. Man. people in Austin LOVE to smoke cigs. They are all so oblivious about it too. They are just like “hey I’m Texas! Fuck y’all. Eat my smoke!” It’s annoying in like flynn


Paul Mitchell has a booth here and they are giving hand massages for $2. You know that I bought one…I would have paid 20 for it

3 hours sleep

I’m updating this from the SXSW convention center, because the hotel I was put it up was sort of ghetto and didn’t even have internet. Also the shower has like no water pressure, which means i’ll be coming back with a few extra layers of dead skin cells. Downtown Austin is pretty fun. I stayed 3 hours sleep