“I wouldn’t be caught dead marrying a woman old enough to be my wife”- Tony Curtis
By Brandon Adamson

How the F did I manage to burn through 2000 text messages already this month? I thought that once I became single I could get away with dropping my plan from unlimited to say… a mere 2000. Well, that only worked for a while apparently. Am I one of those text messaging maniacs? Could I […]

The game was created to demonstrate the futility of individual effort.
By Brandon Adamson

My internet has been down at my house, so I’ve been having to update this thing from Kinko’s lately…which has been sort of disgusting. There’s always some riff raffy dude sitting on the computer next to me wolfing down trail mix or talking on his cellphone. When one such mf leaves he is replaced by […]

rectangles and clouds
By Brandon Adamson

It was a beautiful overcast for much of the day, complete with a juicy humidity. These days are few and far between in the land of Phoenicia and thus are much appreciated. I spent much of the afternoon painting a 30×40 canvas while watching “Caprice” on dvd. I can’t decide if I’m happy with it […]

The other summer, in Arizona I was sentenced to the chair…
By Brandon Adamson

Last night I had dinner at LGO with girl. We split an avocado pizza and discussed taxidermy. We went for a long walk through a few of the condos and townhomes in the area(three fountains, olive square, williamsburg square.) Then we drove around for a while through a slightly seedier part of town and as […]

On the other hand, it’s the only way you’ll discover that I’m the good guy in this story
By Brandon Adamson

Suddenly, I can’t think of anything more important.” Lack of updates over the weekend can only mean that…you guessed it, I’ve been hanging out with a new girl. Friday night I met up with Bill at First Friday, where we walked around and had a mostly uneventful time of it. After that we went to […]

creepy comeback
By Brandon Adamson

The Creeps by Brandon Adamson Quite often times people who say you’re really creepy quite often come to find themselves cavorting with the real creeps A lot of people find this blog while searching for the darndest things like “comeback if someone calls you creepy” or “fear of heights, ball tingle”(an actual phenomenon I am […]

childhood trauma
By Brandon Adamson

Here is a note I found in my closet, which I wrote to my grandparents when they moved away in 1986:

The Boy and the Painting of a Treehouse
By Brandon Adamson

The Boy and the Painting of a Treehouse by Brandon Adamson This is the true story of a boy that dreamed up a boy(his imaginary self) who often stared at the painting of a treehouse, a painting of a treehouse, that if only he could have(the treehouse), he would never come out. And all of […]

The Perils of Vampirism
By Brandon Adamson

I wonder if vampires would have trouble buying alcohol. Since their ID cards would say they were like hundreds of years old, but then they might only look like they were about 25…No one would believe it was a valid ID. I can just picture ol’ Nosferatu pleading his case with some meathead doofus bouncer […]

Guard well this shield. For one day it will guard your life
By Brandon Adamson

I attempted to clean out my room today, but about 15 minutes into it…I discovered The Zombies greatest hits cd that Brandie(an infamous ex from several years back who later became a reliable if completely invisible friend) gave me for Christmas in 2004. And so of course I got sidetracked and ended up dancing on […]