Something amazing happened a couple of weeks ago while I was in Las Vegas for the CES show. As I was lying in my hotel room one night watching tv at the mid-tier “Flamingo” establishment located on the strip, somewhere deep in my mind I began to of all things… develop a bizarre crush. It […]
Spanish article bashes nay and others
By Brandon Adamson
Maybe they’re just upset about Nay not being Cuban anymore, but there’s an article written in spanishabout nay and other camgirls. It even features a hilarious photo of Nay relaxing scantily in a bubble bath or something with her eyes blacked out. The article is typical other than that covering all the usual angles that […]
Chelle’s wishlist woes
By Brandon Adamson
Yeah, I know we just did an article on Chelle’s, haircut a few days ago, but it appears now she may not receive the gifts some pervy guys bought for her due to no fault of her own. I got rid of my felicite wishlist. I can’t believe them. Their site fucked up and let […]
Ruca creates unprecedented “suntan journal”
By Brandon Adamson
The vulgar yet well read Ruca of Rucacam has decided to create a “suntanning journal” complete with a color coded tan-o-meter. Well because I am the gayest of the gay, I have decided to create a journal of my ULTIMATE SUNTAN. I will not stop until I look like IMAN (maybe then bowie will want […]
a camgirl on current affairs
By Brandon Adamson
A rising star among cam girls and a gorgeous conglomeration of ethnicity, Teresa is also very opinionated on some of today’s most “controversial”(to some people i guess) issues: smoking: It’s addictive and it kills. It’s not “cool” anymore. I personally, find it disgusting. If you’ve ever kissed someone who’s just been smoking, or someone who […]
Nay gets a Tattoo
By Brandon Adamson
Perhaps the most famous and controversial cam girl on the internet,(or at least in the top 5)Nay(or as she now prefers to be called, Renee) has long been the epitome of the dysfunctional suburban teenage girl. An attractive nice girl, yet a high school dropout with too much makeup and excessive emotional baggage and carry […]
By Brandon Adamson
Cam Girls Gone Wild… Looks like Webpig from InternetGossip is putting together a little side project to complement his popular tabloid site. I bet the parents of these girls would be thrilled to know the type of subculture their daughters have gotten involved in. Nevertheless, this is genius, ( as far as tacky things like […]