The Vegas Strip War
By Brandon Adamson

Despite the fact that Rock Hudson is one of my all-time favorite actors, I had been on the fence about whether to watch what was supposedly his last feature film, a largely forgotten made for TV movie called The Vegas Strip War. It was filmed in 1984, only a year before the Hollywood legend’s death […]

Adaptive Eccentricities and Strategic Social Distancing
By Brandon Adamson

Recently on Twitter, someone told me they had forgotten that I was a writer, even though my writing was the reason they originally began following me a few years ago. They were implying that I had either stopped writing or had altered my content to such an extent that I was no longer recognizably producing […]

Block and Awe – Clearing Out the Riff Raff
By Brandon Adamson

Though I don’t typically block people I debate or argue with on Twitter, I have recently arrived at the realization that there are so many accounts out there whose content I could do without ever seeing again. I don’t have a lot of patience for fools or pests, and I get tired of seeing certain […]

Hard Reset
By Brandon Adamson

So, it looks like 2015 is back in a bleak way, without all the illusory momentum, naive optimism, sprouting organizational seedlings and the relative openness of the wild west social media frontier. In terms of influence, in those days we were “punching above our weight” (as Spencer used to say) without realizing that we were […]

Plenty of Fedfish in the Sea
By Brandon Adamson

If you’re an apolitical normie or a casual shitposter, this article won’t be of much interest to you. However, if you’re active in “dissident” (whatever that has come to mean) political subcultures—whether you’ve been anointed as a charismatic “thought leader” or exist as a peripheral, docile, inconsequential (and totally not worth monitoring) figure like me—then […]