Coldfront part II
By Brandon Adamson

Photos from the Soundwave Music Festival at Big Surf. Nothing special really. You’ll notice I took photos of Josh and Ron DMC in the men’s room, where we retreated to periodically to get out of the rain and stay warm.

Coldfront Music Festival
By Brandon Adamson

So, Soundwave Music Festival was a clusterfuck. First there was a surprise $10 parking fee, which there was no warning about(when’s the last time you had to pay to park at Big Surf Waterpark?) and you didn’t find out until after waiting forever in a line of cars. Finally, long after it was too late […]

Soundwave Music Festival 2011
By Brandon Adamson

Somehow I managed to fall asleep last night leaving the front door wide open. No wonder the rain seemed so loud. Today is the big day of the Soundwave Music Festival at Big Surf…which would be really amazing except that it’s pouring. However, it’s going to be amazing anyway. There all kinds of DJs and […]