Black Sunday

It’s hard to imagine that after being subjected to decades of Hollywood blockbuster action movies―filled with overblown stunts, cheesy Schwarzeneggaresque one-liners and cartoonishly unrealistic premises―one could revisit a 1977 film like Black Sunday without rolling their eyes. Yet, the climactic final 30 minutes of Black Sunday are genuinely gripping. As with his earlier films like […]

Hard Reset

So, it looks like 2015 is back in a bleak way, without all the illusory momentum, naive optimism, sprouting organizational seedlings and the relative openness of the wild west social media frontier. In terms of influence, in those days we were “punching above our weight” (as Spencer used to say) without realizing that we were […]

Plenty of Fedfish in the Sea

If you’re an apolitical normie or a casual shitposter, this article won’t be of much interest to you. However, if you’re active in “dissident” (whatever that has come to mean) political subcultures—whether you’ve been anointed as a charismatic “thought leader” or exist as a peripheral, docile, inconsequential (and totally not worth monitoring) figure like me—then […]

Pine Tar Rules

No, I’m not talking about baseball, in case you were thinking of the infamous George Brett pine tar incident from the 1983 game between the Kansas City Royals and New York Yankees. Rather, I’m referring to Packer’s Pine Tar Shampoo. As I’ve mentioned before, I love classic grooming products (where they can still be found.) […]

We’re Leaving Beards in the 2010s

And by “we’re” I mean me obviously. Everyone else can do what they want. It was a difficult decision for me, because I definitely look better with a beard than without one (just going by my sexual track record here). In my experience, most girls seem to prefer facial hair on a guy, whether it’s […]

The Women of Chrono Trigger

It has been almost 5 years since I examined the potential for the world imagined in the SNES classic, Chrono Trigger to serve as an unconventional model for monarchy (an essay which was featured in LD50 Gallery’s book of “2005-2017 miscellany of reactionary and neoreactionary writing”). Yet, nearly 18 years have passed since I last […]

The Rats of Nationalism

A speculative odyssey into the challenges contemporary political dissidents face from subversive infiltration and psychological manipulation on social media. Though primaily focused on the nationalist community, the ideas and revelations dealt with in this book should be of interest to authentic activists from any corner of the political compass. Available HERE