No single gum double freshens your mouth like….
By Brandon Adamson

Last night was First Friday, which started out promising. When I first got out of my car and was walking to the event, two really pretty girls who had just moved here asked me for directions basically on where to go and what to see. They were dental students and sisters which for some reason […]

but it was just my imagination ….running away with me
By Brandon Adamson

The weekend was action packed. Friday night I decided to check out “Crotch Rockitt,” the night hosted by Tiffe Fermaint, Austin Head and some other dudes. Someone from “The Faint was DJing. It’s at the place (that used to be?) known as Anderson’s 5th Estate, but it seems like it’s called something else now. There […]

you say sabotäge, I say sabotage
By Brandon Adamson

Went to the Phoenix Science Center today to see the big Star Trek exhibit. It’s funny, for all the things I love about the 60’s, I’ve never been into Star Trek. I mean, I liked the original show and everything( as a kid I used to watch the reruns after school on channel 18), and […]