I once took the time and created a list of expirefish’s best grabs. It’s not very impressive, but there are a few gems in there. Also note that many of the best names they caught were in early last year, when there was not nearly as much competition. I use expirefish as more of a […]
expirefish vs. snapnames
By Brandon Adamson
late night convo with hahajoe
By Brandon Adamson
kidkooool: hey joe Qpuzzle: hi cool bro i just get home kidkooool: DUI kidkooool: ? Qpuzzle: no, i walked home kidkooool: cool must have drank though Qpuzzle: got my best ime so far in my life Qpuzzle: and confidently look forward kidkooool: get married? kidkooool: sell toysrsex? kidkooool: or just have a good time Qpuzzle: […]