The Antimatter Formula
By Brandon Adamson
Somewhere south, where it is colder,
Where that which falls stays where it is,
You’ll find what isn’t what it is.
riddle from “The Forbidden Castle” by Edward Packard
And so we face the specter of summer on the horizon, and with it comes the maze of decisions, pursuits, personal equations to solve, ambitions to fulfill, and survival above all. None of it is easy of course. To make matters more dicey, the possibility always lurking out there…one false move and you’re dead, falling victim to the breath of fire of some mythical dragon or the jaws of life which fail to bite quickly enough in the event of a car crash… or merely an unforeseen health issue that rears it’s ugly head. Just like that…like so many others who never see what hit them, their Facebook and Myspace pages frozen in time with their final banal status updates….or in the case of this blog some token entry of subtle misogyny, potential xenophobia, and narcissistic babbling.
But let us not speak of the dangers today, for it is in the back of the mind where these things belong. The question of parallel universes and our decisions which lead us to the one we’re in, is one we cannot dwell upon. Like branches of a tree, a new timeline is formed, an alternate reality is created with each choice we make…“If you decide to stick it out with the ex, turn to page 42… if you think you’ve tried enough and would rather give something else a shot turn to page 11.” Always, the goal is to find the longest, most fulfilling adventure possible…within the options presented to you. And we must choose wisely, because we are technologically incapable of going back, and we can never meet ourselves, nor visit the worlds which may or may not exist in which we made the other choice, hit or miss.
There’s a page somewhere where we’re holding hands and petting the giraffes(I need to get there!) In some other world perhaps we never crossed paths, a misplaced minute or two, a hesitating caution or hasty impatience could have made all the difference.
As a teeth-clenching Charton Heston wondered in Planet of the Apes(1968 version) “Where in the hell do we go from here?”
Filed under: Uncategorized - @ May 27, 2010 5:15 pm
Tags: boldness, chartlon heston quotes, choices, choose yor own adventure, choose your own adventures, cyoa, edward packard, jay leibold, parallel universe, parallel universes, petting giraffes, planet of the apes, romance, romantic interests, the antimatter forumula, the forbidden castle