A fellow man who preferred oysters to snails, Tony Curtis died yesterday. He was one of my favorite actors and definitely influenced me both artistically and personality wise. He’s probably most famous for “Some Like It Hot,” but that’s not one of my faves…and I’m not even sure I’ve seen it in it’s entirety. However, […]
Tony Curtis, RIP.
By Brandon Adamson
One Hart Too Many
By Brandon Adamson
So part of my daily wandering routine includes going to Borders and reading biographies of famous actors from the 50’s and 60’s. One of the best of these is Tony Curtis’ American Prince, which I’ve written about here before in various contexts. These books are also kind of depressing, as they represent a long gone […]
“I wouldn’t be caught dead marrying a woman old enough to be my wife”- Tony Curtis
By Brandon Adamson
How the F did I manage to burn through 2000 text messages already this month? I thought that once I became single I could get away with dropping my plan from unlimited to say… a mere 2000. Well, that only worked for a while apparently. Am I one of those text messaging maniacs? Could I […]
Let’s not question our flesh for wanting to remain flesh.
By Brandon Adamson
So I’m not sure how it happened, but I’m going through sort of a “viking” phase. I’ve been watching all these old viking movies like “Erik the Conqueror” with Cameron Mitchell and “The Vikings” starring Tony Curtis. And so I grew a beard, and I lift weights while watching these films and just get super […]