Chariots of the Gods
By Brandon Adamson

When I was in about 5th grade I got really into Greek Mythology…so much so that I began to tell people it was my religion, and it became sort of a “problem.” This intense phase was brought on by 3 distinct things: the cool looking artwork in D’aulaire’s Book of Greek Myths, fond memories of […]

Flagstaff 3.. in 3d
By Brandon Adamson

the view from our room, the “Anthony Hopkins Suite” on the top floor of the Monte Vista Hotel

planet plutonium
By Brandon Adamson

Going to Flagstaff tomorrow for a few days, a romantic getaway. I always make it a point to visit the Lowell Observatory while I’m there, the place where the planet Pluto was discovered….and yes I do still consider it to be a planet and realize that I may be charged with scientific heresy for stating […]