Music Video Shot on Polaroid Spectra Film
By Brandon Adamson
A while back I shot a music video for my song “Apricots and Afterthoughts”(directed by Steven Christopher Wallace and starring Ashleigh Taylor-Silverman.) I posted it here previously without any explanation.
This video was shot entirely on actual Polaroid Spectra film (not the new Fuji Instamax or the “Impossible Project” replica type.) Given that they no longer make this stuff, it had to be purchased off of eBay at great cost (about $40 per pack of 10!) Because the film was expired and came from a wide variety of individual sellers, a good portion of the film was simply unusable. Many full packs of film had to be discarded. I found out the hard way that 2004-2005 seems to be the cutoff expiration date in terms of whether Polaroid film will still function or not.
We ended up with maybe 17-20 cartridges which were mostly good, and we were fortunate enough to have a great model. She photographed so well that we were able to use 95% of the pictures taken of her, which made us able to complete the video without having to resort to using additional fillers or patchwork.
It was shot completely in my living room. I have some actual HD video footage of the shooting which I will edit and post at a later date.
Filed under: Uncategorized - @ March 22, 2011 6:13 pm
Tags: apricots and afterthoughts, ashleigh taylor silverman, Brandon Adamson, mod, mod video, modernist, music video, polaroid, polaroid film, polaroid music video, polaroid spectra, polaroid video, psychedelic video, steven christopher wallace, vintage, youtube