Bumfights: a cause for concern indeed
By Brandon Adamson
Remember how in the 90’s, everyone you didn’t like used to try and act black? Well in the 2000s and wrestling, Nascar, TNN, and trailer rock, it appears acting like white trash is the trendy new thing.Bumfights.com in which homeless people get paid a few dollars to fight with each other on video. The images are incredibly graphic, and the participants get visibly injured.
Well the latest addition is a new website
from the site:
After more than three years of filming we’re finally done! Guaranteed to be the most hilariously shocking video you’ve ever seen. You’ll see drunk bums beating each other silly, real street fights caught on tape, sick pranks, chick fights, crackheads, bum stunts, “supermodel” Angela Taylor, and hands down the most core ruckus you’ve ever seen
I don’t know which is worse, the fact that there are people exploiting these homeless individuals by making these kinds of hick movies at their expense, or that people’s moral fiber has declined to the point that there is an audience for this drivel.
Filed under: Uncategorized - @ July 6, 2002 3:25 am
Tags: bumfights