If you’re an apolitical normie or a casual shitposter, this article won’t be of much interest to you. However, if you’re active in “dissident” (whatever that has come to mean) political subcultures—whether you’ve been anointed as a charismatic “thought leader” or exist as a peripheral, docile, inconsequential (and totally not worth monitoring) figure like me—then […]
Plenty of Fedfish in the Sea
By Brandon Adamson
Capture the Red Flag
By Brandon Adamson
What is it about a girl stalking me that is such a turn on? I guess it is the fact that they have a curiosity. Lots of people don’t. Like if a girl I liked kept an online diary, I would read it… if nothing else to get clues on how she thought, her past, […]
Workout Routine
By Brandon Adamson
Workout Plan By Brandon Adamson (circa 2004) Some girls are all about wishing things would’ve worked out or wondering why things didn’t work out don’t work out won’t work out or if only this or that then things could’ve worked out. It’s as if instead of working things out and things working out all they […]
The Summer That Never Was
By Brandon Adamson
Summer is nearly upon us, as the sun hangs above ever longer with each turn of the Earth…and yet still these are dark days. Absent is the optimism, the excitement, and the anticipation that preceded all previous summers, even those awful ones which each fell victim to their unique curses. I guess it is something […]
Where have all the graveyards gone? Gone to Flowers every one…
By Brandon Adamson
Flying to Las Vegas in the morning. Will be back on thursday. Staying at “The Orleans,” a New Orleans themed hotel(hopefully pre-katrina and it’s not all just looters and mosquitoes running amok) Something tells me this isn’t going to be like “Live and Let Die.” If I die in a horrible plane crash. I hope […]
Don’t cut out of here till we get on Cloud 9.
By Brandon Adamson
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q2BkSK0PLY8 If you really want to annoy your romantic interest, just start talking like Edd “Kookie” Byrnes when you’re hanging out with her. I used to listen to this album around Christmas time last year, and after a while I started actually talking like this dude in real life on a day to day basis, […]
Big League Chew
By Brandon Adamson
Three nights in a row I have fallen asleep around 9:30. I guess a zillion nights in a row of getting only 4 or 5 hours of sleep has finally caught up with me. I have to get out of this rut though. Sleep is such a waste of time and not going out for […]
tennis balls and mirror mazes
By Brandon Adamson
How’s the weather, whether or not we’re together, Touch me but don’t let me down. Maybe I’m just hanging around, with my head up, upside down.. it’s a pity, I can’t seem to find someone who’s as… pretty and lovely as you There needs to be a manual for how to deal with emotionally healthy […]
“I wouldn’t be caught dead marrying a woman old enough to be my wife”- Tony Curtis
By Brandon Adamson
How the F did I manage to burn through 2000 text messages already this month? I thought that once I became single I could get away with dropping my plan from unlimited to say… a mere 2000. Well, that only worked for a while apparently. Am I one of those text messaging maniacs? Could I […]
The other summer, in Arizona I was sentenced to the chair…
By Brandon Adamson
Last night I had dinner at LGO with girl. We split an avocado pizza and discussed taxidermy. We went for a long walk through a few of the condos and townhomes in the area(three fountains, olive square, williamsburg square.) Then we drove around for a while through a slightly seedier part of town and as […]