coldfront III
By Brandon Adamson

So the day of Soundwave I was sick and had a major fever, but I still didn’t want to miss it because it was such a unique event. I definitely should have dressed warmer, and if you know me…you know that I already wear very warm clothes as it is. Anyway, security wouldn’t let me […]

Coldfront part II
By Brandon Adamson

Photos from the Soundwave Music Festival at Big Surf. Nothing special really. You’ll notice I took photos of Josh and Ron DMC in the men’s room, where we retreated to periodically to get out of the rain and stay warm.

Coldfront Music Festival
By Brandon Adamson

So, Soundwave Music Festival was a clusterfuck. First there was a surprise $10 parking fee, which there was no warning about(when’s the last time you had to pay to park at Big Surf Waterpark?) and you didn’t find out until after waiting forever in a line of cars. Finally, long after it was too late […]

Soundwave Music Festival 2011
By Brandon Adamson

Somehow I managed to fall asleep last night leaving the front door wide open. No wonder the rain seemed so loud. Today is the big day of the Soundwave Music Festival at Big Surf…which would be really amazing except that it’s pouring. However, it’s going to be amazing anyway. There all kinds of DJs and […]

Lost in Austin
By Brandon Adamson

So SXSW was fun, but majorly exhausting. I definitely did not bring the appropriate shoes. The $10 vinyl kicks I usually wear are great for dancing, but are the male equivalent of ballet flats, and have all the support of a piece of tissue paper. By the end of the trip, I could not even […]

SXSW 2011
By Brandon Adamson

Music Video Shot on Polaroid Spectra Film
By Brandon Adamson

A while back I shot a music video for my song “Apricots and Afterthoughts”(directed by Steven Christopher Wallace and starring Ashleigh Taylor-Silverman.) I posted it here previously without any explanation. This video was shot entirely on actual Polaroid Spectra film (not the new Fuji Instamax or the “Impossible Project” replica type.) Given that they no […]

Tempe is where the art is*
By Brandon Adamson

*or once was, or may well be in one of many possible futures. I’ve started blogging over at James B Hunt’s longtime site, (though he hasn’t moved the blog to that url yet so it’s currently at until it’s up and running. I haven’t lived in Tempe for several years but still spend […]

Some Days You Just Can’t Get Rid of A Bomb
By Brandon Adamson

Haven’t left the house much lately. I managed to obtain a dvd set of the original Batman TV series(1966-68) which contains all 120 episodes. It’s so addicting. The first day I had it I watched 16 episodes. Around 1987, they re-aired the show on cable and I would watch it everyday after school between 5 […]

As someday it must happen that a victim must be found
By Brandon Adamson

I was in Antique Centre in Scottsdale yesterday and strangely enough, noticed an original framed poster for sale which was advertising none other than the Lamplighters production of “The Mikado” in San Francisco, 1969. The poster read: Lamplighters present “The Mikado” April 20th, continuing Fri and Sat nights Harding Theatre Divisadero at Hayes San Francisco […]