Running The Gauntlet
By Brandon Adamson

Just last week l was reading this article. lt talked about flying. Said we’d all become just like cattle. Trusting our lives to people we don’t even know. Like pilots. Said we do it all the time. Then we get our heads bashed in. . . . . .like cattle, for being so trusting. A […]

How Strange
By Brandon Adamson

This yellow toilet has been sitting on top of the fence in the alley near my house for the last month or two. It’s become something of a tourist attraction, as it’s plainly visible from the road.

2011 Rocky Mountain Audio Fest
By Brandon Adamson

Just got back from the Rocky Mountain Audio Fest in Denver, which was held at the Marriott Tech Center. There were a lot of beautiful high end amplifiers to be seen and heard, but I ended up curiously taking photos of the abstract art on the walls of the hotel.

Like sands through the hour glass…
By Brandon Adamson

Sorry, for the lack of updates. My girfriend moved in with me over the weekend, so I’ve been pretty busy for the last week or two preparing for that. Film at 11.

Reflections and Scenes From a Mallrat
By Brandon Adamson

The touch screen on my phone stopped working a couple of weeks ago, and I had to drive all the way to Paradise Valley Mall to get a new phone, since that’s where the AT&T warranty center is.  PV mall was a major hangout for me all through the entire 1990’s.  First when I used […]

I (still) hate overly cheerful employees.
By Brandon Adamson

Especially the Starbucks ones where they say your name like 5 times. It’s supposed to make it more personal and friendly but always comes off as forced and awkward. “Hi Brandon! What can I get for you today Brandon?! Hey everyone can I get a venti soy latte for Brandon? Here I have a venti […]

By Brandon Adamson

I made this commercial for Jensen Loudspeakers. It’s been playing as a video pre-roll on some popular youtube channels

Take it out to Pomona and let ’em know
By Brandon Adamson

Gonna save all my money and buy a GTO Get a helmet and a roll bar, and I’ll be ready to go Take it out to Pomona and let ’em know That I’m the coolest thing around Little buddy, gonna shut you down When I turn it on, wind it up, blow it out GTO! […]

By Brandon Adamson

Carousel is a Lie!
By Brandon Adamson

“Welcome, humans! I am ready for you! Fish, plankton, sea greens and protein from the sea. Fresh as harvest day. Overwhelming, am I not? Are you, too, startled? Am I too removed from your kin? InformationI am more than machine. More than man. More than a fusion of the two. Don’t you agree? Wait for […]