A poety book I wrote a few years ago is now available on Kindle for a measly 2.99. Not that you should buy it or anything(unless unchecked narcissism and megalomania are major turn-ons for you.) You can buy it here:
SideQuests on Kindle
By Brandon Adamson
The Great Plains
By Brandon Adamson
I’ll take mine plain- plain jane plain clothes what’s that? you’re eating it plain? how I love… the great plains turn my heart into a flood plain of pain, the plain…the plain! from my 2008 book SideQuests
Out of his Shell
By Brandon Adamson
Out of His Shell by Brandon Adamson Just recently, I’ve come to the realization that I must have missed out entirely on the whole “being a man” thing. you know, just skipped right over it. I think I went straight from boy to “shell of a man.” From my 2008 book, SideQuests
The Boy and the Painting of a Treehouse
By Brandon Adamson
The Boy and the Painting of a Treehouse by Brandon Adamson This is the true story of a boy that dreamed up a boy(his imaginary self) who often stared at the painting of a treehouse, a painting of a treehouse, that if only he could have(the treehouse), he would never come out. And all of […]
Amidst a Misogynist
By Brandon Adamson
Amidst a Misogynist Brandon Adamson In the thick of the mix of the blitz of awe and beauty of beauties, we have it would seem a misogynist amidst. Every red blooded man has one, somewhere, perhaps within reason and his ability to do so… a sense of hopelessness tendency toward bitterness over the missed and […]
poem of the week
By Brandon Adamson
From my book, SideQuests Carefully Chosen Words Feel free about your feelings to ramble to your heart’s content if it is even possible or even seems a cause worthy who knows if that vessel is still sea worthy to reach such a destination. (I should hope not!) but for me when it comes to you […]