Vietnam Style Flashbacks
By Brandon Adamson

Sooooo, many years ago I was getting a lap dance at “the body shop” in Los Angeles, and the stripper told me I reminded her of the guy from American Psycho(not Christian Bale the actor but the actual character from the story.) Years later, I randomly ran into this same girl in Tempe and recognized […]

childhood trauma
By Brandon Adamson

Here is a note I found in my closet, which I wrote to my grandparents when they moved away in 1986:

diet pepsi and the champion
By Brandon Adamson

Shane and I stayed up all night playing “Kid Chameleon” for Sega Genesis, one of the hardest games of all time. We got to like level 70 after playing several hours, and that was as far as we got. When you’ve lost all your lives and used up a couple of meager continues it just […]